Taste other flavours...
A small selection of sites and portals developed with Web Portal Now.

For a photographer with a shop and a photographic studio like Francesca Gaudenzi of Foto B.G. in Faenza, always with the camera in hand, dynamic and always on the go, it was necessary a very dynamic web site, capable to adapt to the many facets that photographic creativity could take over time.

The site of Pro Loco di Faenza is based on Web Portal Now and was developed cooperating with Caterweb.
It uses a customized graphic theme, an advanced system to manage a rich event and news calendar and a complex system to collect, navigate and view all the Point Of Interest of Faenza and the nearby.
For many years we can not manage this site because Web Portal Now was so rapidly evolving and with so many requests of implementations and installations from the customers.
This summer we finally get a few of time to renews the graphic of this site and to update it to the last versione of Web Portal Now.